
Anit Vidhyapeeth, Holambi khurd, Delhi, Run and managed by  Mahila Evam Bal Vikas Mandal (Trust). Anit Vidhyapeeth is founded in the March year 2001.  

The Anit Vidhyapeeth (School) prepares its students for the CBSE, ICSE and the ISC Examination at  X and XII Level respectively. The school is managed MBVM (Trust).

its members offer their dedicated and selfless service for the intellectual , moral and aesthetic development of the people in the vicinity.

Our Vision

To give to the world "Icons" who can win the hearts and minds of others, put service before self, and retain their humility and values even as they soar high.


Why Choose Our Institution?

As a New parent, you are in the fortunate position of having many strong public schools. However, there are many outstanding independent schools that you should also consider as you strive to find the best environment for both academics and social-emotional learning.

Anit Vidhyapeeth will do the following for your child:

  1. Provide personal attention, small classes, high academic standards and a stimulating, supportive and challenging environment.
  2. Engage a strong, dedicated, caring faculty that is respected and revered and has a voice in school-level decisions that affect them and their program
  3. Enlist outstanding leadership in the Head of School, who is directly available to parents
  4. See each child as a unique individual with a focus on the whole person
  5. Foster relationships and require pro-social behavior (good manners, respect for others, honesty and personal responsibility)
  6. Enroll students from different racial, ethnic, cultural and socio-economic backgrounds, believing that diversity enriches the educational environment
  7. Promote responsible citizenship, a readiness to serve others and ethical values
  8. Require frequent practice in both oral and written communication
  9. Offer dance, drama, music and visual arts programs that are central to the program, not ancillary
  10. Provide extracurricular and athletic programs that are not viewed as “extra,” but rather as an opportunity for students to experience real-world challenges and triumphs
  11. Assign homework that is appropriate to the age and grade level of the child and is thoughtful and not excessive, with a mind to family balance
  12. Encourage appropriate parental involvement



To develop an understanding & appreciation of the global dimension of our world; making our children appreciative of their history, culture & traditions, whilst being open to other cultures and alternative views of the world.

Skilled Lecturers

Dorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the en an unknown printer galley dear.

Book Library & Store

Dorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the en an unknown printer galley dear.


To develop an understanding & appreciation of the global dimension of our world; making our children appreciative of their history, culture & traditions, whilst being open to other cultures and alternative views of the world.

Skilled Lecturers

Dorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the en an unknown printer galley dear.

Book Library & Store

Dorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the en an unknown printer galley dear.